Posted on 晚上9:47 by Jack and filed under

[Foodscapes 食材所做成的景觀]

2009 年到來了,又是新的一年!




The British photographer Carl Warner created a series of photos using only food to make the scenery.
“Foodscapes” (union of the words food and landscape) show underwater caves, forests, beaches at sunset, and even waterfalls, using fruits, vegetables, cheese, cold meat, pasta, and other grains.


英國的攝影家 Carl Warner 創造了一系列只使用了食物來製作景色的照片
“Foodscapes”(世界上食物和景色的結合) 使用了水果、蔬菜、起士、凍肉、義大利麵以及各式榖物,秀出了水底洞穴, 森林, 日落海灘,甚至是瀑布。


In this forest, trees are made of broccoli, with peas hanging as fruits and the highways are paved with cumin. The grass is made of herbs and the mountains, of bread. Clouds made of cauliflower, decorate the sky

在森林中,樹是以甘藍做成並吊著豆子當作果實,以及以小茴香鋪成的道路。 草皮是用香料做成而山則用麵包,雲由花耶菜做成點綴了天空。

The photgrapher says that he is well known in the neighbourhood where he lives, in Kent, England, for passing many hours in the market looking for the best broccoli or the best pepper to “compose” his scenes.
To gain depth, the photos are taken on tables with 1,2 x 2,4 metres square. Besides, they are registered in”layers”, to avoid the food shrivelling before the picture is taken.

攝影者說因為經過數小時在超市尋找最好的甘藍或是胡椒來組成他的景色,他已經被住家 (英國肯特) 附近的鄰居所熟知。
為了要獲得深度,照片是在1.2 x2.4公尺的方形桌上照的。此外在照這些圖片之前這些照片被層層註記以避免食物乾枯掉。


The edible ingredients in this rural scene of Italian inspiration include a small wagon made of lasagna slices, fields of pasta, and clouds of mozzarela. Trees of pepper, parsley and basil complete the scene, in the distance, a small village made of cheese.


“I like the way of how the little aspects of nature look big”, says Carl Warner. At the Italian inspiration´s kitchen – many tomatoes and olives.

He confesses that, till now, he hasn´t yet convinced his four children to eat more vegetables.

“At least, I can´t say that they play with food more than I do”, declares the photographer

Carl Warner說:我喜歡天然的小地方其實看起來很大的這個觀點。在具有許多蕃茄和橄欄的義大利靈感廚房。他坦承,直到現在他還沒有讓他的小孩相信去吃多點蔬菜。至少我不能說他們與食物玩樂勝過於我。


This cavern is made of marine crustaceans. The rocks are made of bread, but, at the deep of the sea, they are made of cauliflower. To make the tri-dimensional sensation in the pictures, each scene is composed on a 1,2 x 2,4 m square table.

洞穴是由海洋甲殼綱動物所組成,岩石是由麵包組成,但海洋深處是由花椰菜組成,為了在圖片中製造三度空間的感覺,每個場景都是在1.2 x 2.4公尺的方桌上組成。


Rice, coconut, many grains and a sky made of purple cabbage compose this bucolic “landscape”.



Trees made of cabbage leaves, rocks of sweet potato, the narrow canyon made of bread and the sky made of purple cabbage.



The red sea of this beach, at sunset, is made of salmon slices. The rocks are made of potato and bread. A small boat made of beans completes the scene.
這片日落時的紅海海灘是由鮭魚切片組成。岩石是由馬鈴薯和麵包組成, 豆子做的小船完成了這副景色。


Shitake mushrooms, sesame and other grains
椎茸 (香菇)、芝麻和其他穀物。


The rainbow was perfect behind the forest of vegetables and potato


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